Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bamboo Forest

Apologies for the delayed posts, school just began and it sure is a handful. Definitely an upgrade from freshman year. Now, thankfully, I have a long weekend due to "labor day" to go out and photograph. 

Anyways, Gram and I were out on the Warren Wilson campus trying to get some shots of an old torn down house/barn. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any good shots because there wasn't enough contrast between a small, torn down chimney, and the woods behind it. Fortunately, however, on our way back we came upon a small bamboo forest in a neighbor's backyard and it was great contrast, and I didn't have to stop up too high to get the shutter speed fast enough (about an 8 f-stop). This one is an HDR photo also, and the photo below that is a butterfly (obviously) that I took in a field with my telephoto lens (50-200mm), and the bamboo was taken with my ultra-wide angle lens (12-22mm MF). Gram drew also, so go visit her blog at Real Life Journals


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Warren Wilson College and the Silo

Aujourd'hui, Gram et moi as alle a Greenlife a manges dejeuner et parler du francais. Apres ca, nous allons alle Warren Wilson College a photograph. C'est une HDR photo et je pense c'est un du mon mieux.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Picture At My Mom's New House!

     My mom just started moving into a new house this week! It's a very nice house with a huge yard and a cool trail that goes down behind the yard. Down that trail are two abandoned tractors that are covered with ivy and bugs and stuff. This picture is an HDR photo of the first tractor. The tractor behind this one wasn't as "photogenic". I was standing on top of the other tractor trying to find a different vantage point to shoot at when I saw a tall exhaust pipe sticking out of the top of it. On top of the pipe there was a bucket looking thing on top of it. I was standing inches from it lifting it up to see if there was anything interesting under it when I thought to myself, "hmm... maybe I shouldn't do that". I just had a gut feeling. So I stepped down off the tractor, pick up a brick, and chuck it at the bucket just to make sure nothing is living under it. Sure enough, a big wasp/hornet nest is brewing underneath and they start swarming around and darting back and forth heading towards me so I bolt through the woods and made it safe and sound back to my front yard.